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Common Qs And As:
Q. When should I work with a coach?
Are you willing to self-reflect and challenge your assumptions and beliefs? Are you ready to put effort into your self-development and take action? Are you open to explore the world outside your comfort zone? Yes? Sounds like you are ready to work with a coach!
Q. How many coaching sessions should I book?
Coaching is a journey. You can reach great results in as little as 6 sessions, or you might want to go on a continuous journey with me to profoundly explore your resources and opportunities. If you are not sure, give it a try for 4-6 sessions and find out.
Q. Will I need to work between the sessions?
Coaching works as much as you put the effort in. You might want to develop an action plan with me in the session that you will execute until we meet again. I’m there for you for email or text support if you need me.
Q. What should I work on?
Coaching is a great tool to reach your well defined-goals. Improved communication, effective time management, productive relationships, conflict management, enhanced confidence, prevent burnout are just some examples I frequently work on with clients.